Complete unit (Aerobika plus AeroEclipse BAN)



Aerobika plus AeroEclipse BAN

Complete unit consisting of:
Aerobika OPED Therapy System
(Aerobika Oscillating Positive Expiratory Pressure (OPEP) Therapy System)
AeroEclipe II Breath Actuated Nebulizer (BAN)


This complete unit consists of the nebulizer unit, the mouthpiece, capsule and tubing plus the Aerobika system.

If the patient has both Aerobika and AeroEclipse, then they can connect both into each other by removing the mouth piece on the AeroEclipse. They will get medication to their lungs when they breathe in and get the vibrations to their airways to loosen the phlegm when they blow out. It is the perfect combination for those with bronchitis, pneumonia, stuck mucus, struggling to breath because of thick mucus in the lungs, coughs and shortness of breath.


The AEROBIKA* device helps to thin and loosen mucus, helping move it to the larger airways of your lungs, where it can be coughed out.

After a COPD exacerbation (flare-up) your lungs may be weakened putting you at risk of another. Unfortunately, healthcare statistics have indicated that 1 in 5 patients hospitalized for a COPD flare-up require re-hospitalization within 30 days.

New study results show using the drug-free AEROBIKA* device within 30 days of a COPD flare-up significantly:

  • Reduced ER visits and hospital stays by almost 30%
  • Reduced the use of Oral corticosteroids and antibiotics

Previous studies showed:

  • Improvement in Lung Function
  • Improvement in Ventilation
  • Improvement in Quality of Life


AeroEclipse II Breath Activated Nebulizer (BAN)

This consists of the capsule, mouthpiece and tubing and is for those patients who currently have a nebulizer at home.
The unit is also called a BAN. A Breath Activated Nebulizer. Just as the word say,  breath activated, the patient inhales and the medication gets released directly into their mouth.

The mouthpiece is revolutionary as the medication is delivered directly into the lungs.  The face mask wastes a lot of medication and steam into the air and those around them will also inhale the medication then.  This delivery system is the best solution for quality of delivery for the patient.

One simply connects the AeroEclipse tubing onto the nebulizer and adds the medication in the chamber. No more nebulizer mask needed and no more aerosol released into the air which saves on medication.

If a patient struggles to breath, then they can turn the arrow to continuous flow mode, put the mouth piece in their mouth and it will steam automatically in their mouth. Again no medication gets lost in the air.

What makes the AeroEclipse* BAN so different?
With breath actuated delivery, aerosol is only produced when you breathe in. This means medication is not wasted between breaths or if you need to take a break (for example if you need to cough or have a conversation). This puts you in control of your aerosol treatment and creates a safer home environment. Other nebulizers continuously produce aerosol regardless of whether you are inhaling, exhaling or resting, resulting in medication being lost to the air instead of delivered to your lungs.

How does Breath Actuation differ from ‘Continuous’ Nebulization?
The AeroEclipse* BAN is an innovative device that produces aerosol only when you breathe in. Most other nebulizers continuously produce aerosol regardless of whether you are inhaling, exhaling or resting. As a result, a large portion of the prescribed medication in a continuous nebulizer is released to the environment and is not inhaled. In many cases this can be an environmental hazard and can compromise the health of others in the immediate surroundings.

How can the AeroEclipse* BAN Change Your Treatments?
The AeroEclipse* BAN allows your healthcare provider many treatment options that may include fewer or shorter treatment times, less medication put in your nebulizer, or running the AeroEclipse* BAN continuously. The result is better care that allows you to take your treatment as prescribed.

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