Parasite Spray




Parasite Remover Spray

Parasite Remover Spray is a combination of the ultimate combination of herbs to help rid the body of worms & parasites.  Just one quick spray, so easy and effective.  Our herbal tinctures are designed to enter the bloodstream through the soft tissues of the mouth, this ensure effectiveness and a much quicker result than tablets is guaranteed.


Artemisia Afra (Wormwood)
Black Walnut

Further Information
Artemisia afra

Is common names African Wormwood (English) Umhlonyane (Xhosa, Zulu) is one of the most widely used traditional medicines in South Africa. Numerous ailments are treated with it – colds, coughs and influenza, but also fever, loss of appetite, colic, headache, earache, malaria and intestinal worms, amongst others.  African Wormwood is used as a decongestant and the antibacterial effects of the volatile oils present are well known. In addition, narcotic, analgesic and antihistamine activity have been demonstrated.  It is a strong narcotic, analgesic and antihistamine, an excellent smoke-mix, reputed for its hallucinogenic effects.
Artemisia afra is a well-known medicinal plant in Africa, and is still used effectively by people of many cultures. Uses range from treating cough, fever, colic, headache, to intestinal parasites and malaria. In addition, Artemisia afra is frequently used as a moth repellent, and in organic insecticidal sprays.

Black walnut

Black walnut is considered to be an antiseptic, a germicide, a parasitic, and a laxative. Black walnut hull does help with ridding the body of intestinal parasites and tapeworms.  It also helps to reduce constipation and healing skin conditions like acne, canker sores, psoriasis, and other fungal infections.
Very helpful in oxygenating the blood to kill parasites. It is used to help balance sugar levels. It also is able to burn up excessive toxins and fatty materials.


Clove is a traditional remedy and the tradition of using cloves in remedies goes back thousands of years in these parts of the world. The herb is believed to have strong antiseptic and analgesic qualities, and it is treated as an herbal anodyne for all manner of illnesses in many cultures around the world. It is also used for toothache and dental decay. A herbal tea of cloves can help reduce nausea and gas.  Troublesome fungal infections such as athlete’s foot can be treated using the tincture of clove.  Some types of viral infections can be treated by the potent and effective antiseptic ability possessed by the cloves; the plant is also strongly bactericidal.
The stimulating property of the cloves has made it famous as an aphrodisiac in the west as well as in India. The clove is believed to aid in stimulating the body as well as the mind by boosting a flagging memory. In some Asian cultures, women about to go into labour are sometimes given the cloves to prepare them for the rigors and physical demands of a child birth, it is believed that the uterine muscle contractions during labour are strengthened and stimulated by the cloves.
The remedy made from cloves is also used in the treatment of acne, in treating the symptoms of bell’s palsy in the treatment of skin ulcers various types of sores

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